Ake Kubota(アケ・クボタ) / キーボード・作曲・アレンジ・プロデュース・弾き語り
武蔵野音楽大学ピアノ科在学中は、中根伸也氏に師事、コンテンポラリーなクラシック作曲家の作品を研究/演奏する傍ら、音大の外ではキーボーディス トとしてロック/フュージョン系のバンドに参加。卒業後はジャズ、ブラジリアン音楽、ポップス等ジャンルを超えての音楽活動を展開。
2003年には初のソロアルバム “Vermilion” (朱)をプロデューサーの吉田和雄と共同プロデュースでアメリカのレーベルよりリリース。他に類型がない独自の音楽世界をキーボードと歌で表現。
2006年にはベースの増根哲也、ドラムスの石川智、ヴォーカルのアリーナとのユニット、Ake Kubota Trio feat. Alinaでアルバム “Chaotic Simplicity” をリリース、行間豊かでシンプルな音使いを
2009年ギターリストの木村純とのDuoアルバム”Daybreak Story”をリリース、ボサノバを基調とした即興的アプローチで音のショートストーリーを綴る。この時期を前後して自己レーベル ”ChaoticUnison Records” レーベルを作り、他のアーティスト作品のアレンジ、プロデュースを手掛ける。
arai masami の写真とのコラボレーション ”ChaoticUnison” では映像的音楽を追求。
2002年、Disney on Classic コンサートツアーではシンセサイザー奏者としてオーケストラと共演し、2006年、Classic on Bossa (avex io CD)にアレンジと演奏で参加した。
現在は、ソプラノサックスのAndy Bevan, ベースの増根哲也、パーカッションの岡部洋一とのユニット ”amanojaco” をメインに演奏活動している。
Ake Kubota – Piano player, singer/song-writer, composer, music arranger/producer.
Born in Hokkaido, currently residing in Tokyo, had begun piano lessons from the age of 5.
Studied under Prof. Shinya Nakane while majoring in piano at Musashino Academia Musicae. At the university she studied works by contemporary classical music composers, while also performing as a keyboardist in rock and fusion bands out of campus. After graduating, she engaged in musical activities over diverse genres including, classical, jazz, Brazilian, and others.
At times her refined, orderly playing creates an affectionate, refreshing atmosphere, while at others she lifts off into a seemingly chaotic and mysterious world of sounds. Her music companions and fans who experience her amazing musical expressions she churns out between extremes call this the Ake World.
Her first solo album, Vermillion, co-produced by herself and Kazuo Yoshida, was released by a U.S. label in 2003. An original world of unprecedented sounds are expressed by the keyboards and vocals.
In 2006 the album Chaotic Simplicity (Ake Kubota Trio feat. Alina – piano: Ake Kubota, bass: Tetsuya Mashine, drums: Satoshi Ishikawa, vocals: Alina) was released. A harmonious completeness is attempted based on spacious and simple musical expressions.
In 2009 the album Daybreak Story (keyboards: Ake Kubota and guitar: Jun Kimura) was released. An attempt in creating a short story featuring an improvisational approach to Bossa Nova had been made. The production of this album started off Ake’s own record label, ChaoticUnison Records. She is now doing musical arrangement and production for other artists through this label.
Slide shows featuring compositions by Ake and photographs by arai masami are being produced at ChaoticUnison.
In 2002 Ake participated as a synthesizer keyboardist in Disney on Classic’s concert tour in Japan.
In 2006 she participated in the albums Classic on Bossa (avex io CD) as an arranger, vocalist and keyboardist.
Ake’s musical personality involves 2 worlds, one as a pianist in the acoustic music world and the other as a computer operator in the electronic music world.
Her recent music performance can be enjoyed in her music unit, ‘amanojaco’ (piano: Ake Kubota, soprano sax: Andy Bevan, bass: Tetsuya Mashine, and percussions: Yohichi Okabe).
Ake’s ultimate enjoyment in music lies in pursuing and expressing sensational, perplexing sounds which go beyond boundaries of musical genres.